How to recognize a real 79 Epiphone Genesis -------------------------------------------------------------
1979 Japan Catalog pic.
Searching on the web I've noticed that everyone who sells an Epiphone Genesis says
"1979 Genesis made in japan" and when you look at the photo is clearly not true.
only a few units was produced in Japan by Shiro Arai founder of Aria.
Thats is the reason to make this new post, so everyone can know the differences between a
1979 Japan Genesis and the normal Genesis made by Pearl in Taiwan.
In the pictures of the 1979 japan catalog we can see the 3 models of Genesis (japan edition)
Let's see the differences between the Epiphone Genesis Custom 79 (Japan) and 80/81 (Taiwan)
The main differences are:
1 -The Knobs.
The 1979 Genesis came with Golden "Top-Hut" style knobs with VOLUME & TONE
The Taiwan units came with "Speed" style knobs

2-The Pickups
The 1979 Japan Genesis came with covered pickups (chrome)
The Taiwan units came with "exposed" pickups and gold magnetic elements

3 - The Hardware.
The 79 came with silver bridge and chrome hardware and tuners have a golden circle on the back.
The 80/81 came with gold hardware

On the back of the tailpiece appears the leyend "JAPAN"
4 - Wiring.
The 79 japan came wired with cables from the renowned Japanese brand "Mogami"
Mogami continues to manufacture high quality cables for all types of audio-related functions, are currently employed in the contruction of Recording Consoles and major studios such as "Sony" or "Warner Bros" are wired with Mogami cables.

The 80/81 taiwan have generic wired
5 - The Case.
The 1979 Hard case says "Takabe Japan"
The taiwan units not.

Hopefully this will help people not fall into the trap,
I have seen many Epiphone Genesis on E-bay or Graiglist or also in Mercado Libre (Arg Chile. Brazil, etc) where sellers seeking to deceive potential buyers saying that guitar they sell is from 1979 and made in Japan
Do not be fooled!
Check this link: